You all know of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), yes? It basically prohibits discrimination against Americans with disabilities. That’s the reason why businesses are required to have wheelchair ramps or elevators or marked parking spaces. It made the country a much easier place for people with disabilities to live in. Fairly simple, fairly effective, fairly bipartisan.
Sounds like a great model for the rest of the world to follow, yes? Wouldn’t it be great if all places had wheelchair accessible entrances? Well, the United Nations thinks so too. That’s why they passed the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. It’s a treaty that mirrors the ADA and asks all UN members to abide by it. It’s not binding. All it really does is ask very nicely as far as I can tell. It’s basically saying, “Hey, world, let’s try to live by the Unite State’s example!”
I bet you can already guess where this is heading. Well, former Republican Senator Bob Dole came out of the hospital in a wheelchair to urge the Senate to pass it. What did Republican Senators do? They voted against it. Why? Very good question. As far as I can tell, it’s because they believe that everything the UN does is evil or we already have a law so why should we sign or they’re coming for our children or it’s part of the insidious UN takeover of our country or look it’s the Goodyear blimp!
And that’s more of what’s pissing me off now.